Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Sorry, I have been missing...
It's been a hell of a time lately. I did my first official craft fair and discovered what kind of people do not buy my stuff. Apparently born-agains do not like my stuff. It was a terrible experience. But I will persist and try again!
It's also the end of the school year so I have been crazy with field day, field trips, and other school related craziness. Friday is the last day and then the insanity of summer starts, Yeah!
While working at my daughter's field day yesterday I managed to get a pretty bad sunburn, on my neck. Yep I am a "redneck", seriously. Thankfully my aloe plant had enough leaves to slather on the juice and it has been a lifesaver!
The hubbs has been on call this week and has been called out a ton. Nice for the overtime, but sucks because he's gone so much. Thankfully he goes off call on Thursday.
Speaking of Thursday, it's my baby girl's birthday! Yep, the baby will be 6 years old! I can't believe it's been so long since I had a baby! You see for so long I was always pregnant or nursing. And no, there is no new babe coming along, my womb is closed for business.
So, yeah, that's a catch-all, catch up on my life lately...

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